The Lewis Bateson Centre
The Lewis Bateson Centre
For Personal and Family Development
For Personal and Family Development
Defining Grief
At The Grief Recovery Institute , they have often stated that “stress” is another word for “grief.” We define grieve by saying that it’s the result of the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior. More simply stated, it is the normal and natural reaction to any change that occurs in life.
If you found yourself on this page there is a high probability that you, or someone you love is suffering from a broken heart. Is it due to a death, divorce, end of a relationship, loss of a job, redundancy, retirement or another major loss? If so you might feel sad, distracted, or confused. Do you have children that have suffered a bereavement and you are at a loss to know how to help them best? You are not alone. The Grief Recovery Method has been helping people feel better following a loss for 40 years.
The grief that comes with any emotional loss can be overwhelming and also very isolating. Often people find that those they normally count on for emotional support are at a total loss when it comes to offering effective and meaningful assistance. They will often give you logical reasons why you should not feel bad, but that rarely helps. Grief is emotional and not logical! You are suffering from a broken heart, not a broken head! The fact that you are seeking help in dealing with that emotional pain is not a sign of weakness, but rather a recognition on your part that you are interested in taking recovery action!
The Grief Recovery Method® is the most comprehensive Grief Recovery education you will find. People come to us not only to help others, but because their lives were devastated by personal loss. Having gone through grief, they know how hard it can be and want to help others who are also grieving.
We offer help in a number of ways:

This program is for those who prefer to work face to face with a trained and certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist 1-on-1, rather than in a group setting. This 7-meeting format utilizes the same proven materials as the group programs in a more private setting.
Our 8 meeting Grief Recovery Method
Support Groups offers a safe, evidence-
based environment for grievers to take
effective and lasting action, no matter
the type of loss experienced. These
groups are led by Dianne Lewis and
Diane Parker both Grief Recovery
Method Specialists, trained and certified
by the Grief Recovery Institute

The vast majority of parents find themselves at a loss when trying to help their children deal with any grieving experience that impacts their children. This 4-week program is designed to teach parents, and others who work with children, the necessary tools to help their children effectively deal with their broken hearts, no matter the loss they are facing.
The loss of a pet can be emotionally devastating. Sadly, the impact of the heartbreak of this type of loss is often downplayed or ignored by friends and family. This 6-meeting program is focused on offering pet owners an effective mechanism for taking action to move through and beyond their grief.

The Grief Recovery Method is an Evidence Based Program. Research conducted by Kent State University has shown that The Grief Recovery Method approach to helping grievers deal with the pain of emotional loss in any relationship is “Evidence Based” and effective. We are also proud to say that our program is the only Grief Support Program to have received this distinction of being evidence based!