The Lewis Bateson Centre
The Lewis Bateson Centre
For Personal and Family Development
For Personal and Family Development
Meet the team
Meet the team

Dianne Lewis- Founder and Director Consultant Independent Social Worker and trainer/Therapist
Dianne has a BA(Hons) in Psychology and an MA in Social work. She is a qualified social worker registered with Social work England and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Child Protection studies and a PGCE in education. She has over 30 years experience as a social worker in both Children's services, Abuse and Child Protection. Dianne has over 2r years experience working therapeutically with children, adults and families on a whole range of issues. She has a particular interest in attachment issues and trauma. She has extensive experience in design and delivery of training and assessments and therapeutic programmes. Dianne is also a registered hypnotherapist and master practitioner of NLP, and has vocational training in depression and stress management, EFT (emotional freedom therapy) Time line therapy, and EMDR (one of two NICE approved therapies for Post traumatic Stress disorder; Theraplay and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy. Dianne has been the mother of eight children, as a step mother, foster carer and adoptive mother of three siblings.

Caroline Wilmot - Associate Independent Social Worker
Caroline is an experienced and registered Social worker with Social Work England. She has experience (both management and practitioner level) in working with children and families through Adoption, Fostering, Court Welfare and Guardian ad Litem work.

Ealish Greggor - Associate Speech and Language Therapist
Ealish is a Qualified and independent speech and Language Therapist, experienced in working with Adults who have a diagnosis of Learning Disability ranging from Mild - Profound, ASD, challenging behaviour and Mental Health conditions within the community and Mental Health Hospitals. Her role when working with Adults with Learning Disabilities is: - To promote communication skills for independence, choice, inclusion and rights - To ensure the person has a way of expressing themselves and are able to understand when people communicate with them - To establish reasons to communicate which focus on the person and their wants and needs e.g. expressing likes and dislikes. Ealish can work with individuals, groups or on a consultative basis to provide carer training and support. She is committed to the promotion of independence, choice, inclusion, rights and maximising service user involvement. Ealish is a member of varies professional bodies

Karen Quayle - Associate Counsellor, relationship and psychosexual therapist and family therapist
Karen is relate trained and highly focused and committed to providing counselling for adults, both individuals and couples within the current BACP guidelines.

Donna Murphy - Associate Young persons counsellor and play therapist
Donna began her career with an BSc (Honours) Health and Social Care. As her interest in therapeutic support developed, she completed Post Graduate training to become an Accredited Play Therapist and then continued her studies to complete MA in Practice Based Play Therapy. To complement her work as a play and creative art therapist, she completed a post qualifying certificate in Counselling for Children and Young People and did additional Vocational training in Theraplay and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy. She is a Registered member of Play Therapy UK

Diane Parker - Associate Body work therapist and motivational life coach/therapist
Diane is a body work therapist, Motivational Life Coach and Grief Recovery Method Trainer working in private practice for over ten years. She is qualified in remedial and sports massage, reflexology and Indian Head Massage as well as being a Reiki Master. She is also qualified in Advanced master of Neuro linguistic psychology, Advanced Hypnotherapy, Time Line therapy, EFT and stress management. Diane is a holistic therapist who trained in these modalities to help her clients offer a more inclusive and comprehensive transformative service. In her spare time Diane is a triathlete and in 2014 trained for a completed an Ironman Triathlon